lundi 3 février 2014

Menopause and sex aging

With Menopause, the ovaries loss activity and the endocrine perturbation are very important. Skin and mucosa are very sensitive with loss of hormones.

Activity of fibroblast (collagen cell productor) is modified with diminution of collagen type I and augmentation of collagen type III. Elastin production is reduced too and induce hypotrophy of dermis and flattening of dermal-epidermal junction.

On the Genital area of women  we can have :

  • Augmentation of labia minora hypertrophy,
  • Involution of the clitoris with reduction of stimulation during sex act
  • Hypotrophy of labia Majora with thinning of skin and mucosa
  • Mucosa atrophy with dryness, discomfort or pain during sex act

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